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Contoh Skripsi Bahasa Inggris (ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS)


            Alhamdulillahi rabbil ‘alamin, the researcher expresses her highest gratitude to Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala for blessing, love, opportunity, health, and mercy to complete this thesis.
            Shalawat is also sent to Prophet Muhammad shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam who had delivered the truth to human beings in general and Muslim in particular.
            In arranging this thesis, a lot of people have provided motivation, advice, support, and even remark that had helped the researcher. In this valuable chance, the researcher aims to express her gratitude and appreciation to all of them. First, the researcher’s deepest appreciation goes to her beloved parents, her mother Hudayah Sunusi for the endless love, pray, and support, and her father Abdul Razak (the late) who has become the researcher’s inspiration to keep learning especially in academic level as he desired before.
            The researcher presents her sincere appreciation goes to Dr. Kisman,M.Pd as the dean of FBS UNM, also to her first advisor Dr.Kaimuddin,P.,M.Hum who has given advise and motivation and taught her about discipline. Then to her second advisor Dr. Sukardi Weda, S.S.,M.Pd.,M.Si.,M.Hum, who has helped her patiently finishing this thesis by giving suggestion, guidance, and correction since the preliminary of manuscript until the completion of this thesis.
            The researcher greatest thanks go to Drs. Ahmad Thalib, M.Pd the head of English Department of FBS UNM, Drs.Abdullah,M.Hum the head of English Literature Study Program, and all of her lecturers in English Department for advice, motivation, and useful knowledge. Her deepest thanks also go to her examiners Dr.Maemuna Muhayyang, M.Pd and Fitriani, S.S., M.Hum for their valuable corrections and suggestions, also for all staffs either in department or in faculty who have helped the researcher in managing all formal needs during this thesis arrangement.
            Her sincere thanks go to her siblings Abdul Hakim Razak and Fajriana Razak for their advice, kindness, and even critique to encourage her to be better person, and also to all akhwat especially in SC.Mushlihah who have color her life to be more patient and virtuous.
            Her thankfulness also goes to all her friends in English Department who cannot be mentioned here one by one, particularly to her companions in Jasmine 31 they are Ima, Wiwi, Sulmi, Dian, Anti, and Lilis for cheerful days and togetherness, also to her comrades Indri, Dhede, Darna, Muslimah, Kak Lulu, and Kak Agus for their pray, motivation, and for being places to share. The last but not least, her appreciation to Kak Noer who has introduced “Dunia Sophie” to her.
            Finally, may Allah always blesses us. Aamiin

                                                                                                                  Makassar,      June 2011

                                                                    The researcher   
Contoh Skripsi Bahasa Inggris (ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS) Contoh Skripsi Bahasa Inggris (ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS) Reviewed by Fitriani Razak on 15.33 Rating: 5

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